The Chronicles of Riddick
The Chronicles of Riddick
The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) is a sci-fi action film directed by David Twohy, serving as a sequel to Pitch Black. Vin Diesel reprises his role as the anti-hero Riddick, a fugitive with extraordinary survival skills. Set five years after the events of Pitch Black, Riddick finds himself caught in a battle between two opposing forces: the evil Lord Marshal (Colm Feore), leader of the Necromongers, a fanatical army that seeks to conquer the universe, and the last free planet of Helion Prime. As Riddick is drawn into the conflict, he must confront his past and his destiny, all while fighting for his life.
This visually stunning film expands the Riddick universe, blending action, sci-fi, and fantasy elements, and explores Riddick’s mysterious backstory.
Actors: Vin Diesel, Thandie Newton, Judi Dench, Karl Urban, Colm Feore
Director: David Twohy
Certificate: 15
Year: 2004
Screen Format: Widescreen 2.40:1, Anamorphic
Languages: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 54 minutes
Special Features: Director’s commentary, behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, visual effects featurette, and a trailer.
Please note that this DVD is a Region 2 disc and will require a Region 2 (Europe) or Region-Free DVD player to play.