Lucy (2014) is a sci-fi action-thriller directed by Luc Besson, starring Scarlett Johansson as Lucy, a young woman who inadvertently gains superhuman abilities after being exposed to a synthetic drug. The drug allows her to unlock increasing percentages of her brain capacity, granting her extraordinary powers such as enhanced strength, telekinesis, and mind control. As Lucy's abilities grow, she teams up with a scientist, Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman), to understand and control her transformation, while also seeking revenge on the drug traffickers responsible for her situation. The film explores themes of human potential, evolution, and the nature of consciousness, all while delivering high-octane action.
Actors: Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman, Choi Min-sik, Amr Waked
Director: Luc Besson
Certificate: 15
Year: 2014
Screen Format: Widescreen 2.40:1, Anamorphic
Languages: English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 29 minutes
Special Features: Making-of featurettes, director's commentary, and trailers.
Please note that this DVD is a Region 2 disc and will require a Region 2 (Europe) or Region-Free DVD player to play.